Saturday, 3 May 2014

The Fairy Tale Tag!

Whether we like to admit it or not, most of us as girls have had a period in our life where the idea of fairy tales and them coming true was just the best thing ever! I saw this tag done by Sammeh over at Odds and Sodz (here) and I just couldn't resist having a try. You should definitely check out Sammeh's answers as well as they are just great.

Snow White - Do you consider yourself beautiful?

I know that people say that you should believe that your beautiful because everyone is, and that's true, but at times it can be hard to remember that and I'm just like 'no, no, no' on that day. Then there are other times where I just feel amazing. I don't get it though because I'm pretty sure that at times where I' feeling either way I'm still looking at the same face, so it just makes no sense.
Sleeping Beauty - How many hours do you sleep at night?

Well . . . ideally we're meant to get around 8, but I'd be lying if I said I got that much. Being as obsessed with the internet, reading and pretty much anything procrastinating related combined with the stress of studying, I can estimate that I get about probably 5 hours of sleep in. I do have crashes during the day, especially Saturday's where I feel like I want to sleep for a year. It's safe to say that I have a very unhealthy sleeping habit that I should get fixed. Hopefully I can work on that this summer - pinkies crossed.

Cinderella - Do you have a curfew?

Well I don't go out much so . . . . But really though, my mother can be a bit overprotective at times. But when I do get the chance to go out with friends, curfew is around 9 - 10.

Rapunzel - Do you love being outside?

I love being outside, but I prefer being inside more. I'm more of an indoors person.

Red Riding Hood - Do you trust strangers easily?

I'm very reserved around strangers, I have a wall up around people I don't know and I'm always cautious and it takes a while for me to warm up to people - part of this is just because I'm a generally shy person. 

The Wolf and the Seven Young Kids - Are you easily fooled?

I don't think so, I'm very skeptical about things. I over analyse and in my head it's better to not believe and find proof than to just accept something.

Beauty and the Beast - What makes someone beautiful in your eyes?

What makes someone beautiful to me? A person that doesn't pretend to be someone they're not. Someone just being themselves 24/7.

The Little Mermaid - What would you sacrifice for love?

I really just don't know, it depends on how you look at it. But still I have no answer to give. Sorry . . . 

The Frog Prince - What do you find disgusting?

I really don't like ignorance, it's so upsetting to me. When someone does something wrong that they know will lead up to bigger consequences but they just don't care. Like for example littering, it urkes me to no end, I mean "Hellooooo, do you want to end u living in a landfill?". But yeah, ignorance.

Jack and the Beanstalk - Do you have any plants?

Well my mom has the yard filled with them. But having one of my own, I tried a couple of times but then it never really work out. I remember in 6th grade I had my plant outside and something came and at it and so a couple days later and planted something else and sprayed hairspray on it thinking that would keep the animal away, but the hairspray just ended up killing the plant anyway so . . . . But looking back on it now all I'm think is "Really Shannon, hairspray? Really?" :D.

Puss in Boots - Do you have pets? If not, do you want them?

Yep, I have to little munchkins - I mean puppies. It's funny though because I kind of have a little fear of dogs. I've had a few bad experiences with them growing - I was even almost bitten by one - but yet I still love them. Even now with my own dogs I kind of freeze when they start jumping on me - even if I know that they're just playing.

Bluebeard - What is your weak point?

My sympathy. I'm always trying to find something good in what someone's done or a situation. I don't like  jumping to conclusions or being judgmental.

Pinocchio - What is your biggest wish?

Well I have many dreams; I want to publish some books of stories I have running through my brain, to be a pro makeup artist, to move to London/New York/Australia and the list just goes on. But my BIGGEST dream I would have to say is to get my fashion line up and running, that would just make me so happy to have accomplished that.

Peter Pan - What is your mental age?

My mental age differs depending on who I'm with and the situation. I can be a completely immature person - like there's a 9 year old trapped inside me - there are literally times when I'm just itching to annoy someone. My friends can understand that because they're just the same. And then at other times it's like the 9 year old's 30-something year old mother is trapped me. I've been told that at times I seem older than I am because of the things I say or the way that I think.

The Star Money - What is your most valuable possession?

Well I guess that would have to be my laptop, I am obsessed with the internet after all, I barely eve watch TV any - other than for my special shows, I mean a girl has to get her weekly does of Pretty Little Liars. But yeah though, the laptop.

Gold Mary & Pitch Mary - Are you a hard worker or a lazy one?

It's sad to say but . . . I'm a lazy bum. Another thing that I need to work on. :D

The Snow Queen - Who is your best friend?

I have three best friends and we're just a bag full of crazy - some more so that other. But yeah, their names are Brianna, Rachelle and Noelissa. I can always count on them to be there for me when I need it.

The Princess and the Pea - Are you sensitive?

Very much so, overly so actually. The over-analyst in me can't help it.

Godfather Death - What qualities make a good parent?

Trust and understanding. For a parent I think that it's very important to remember that at one point you were right at the stage where your child(ren) is/are and it's really good to be understanding bout that - don't be too hard on them. Trust, it's an important thing, I mean without trust in the relationship where are you, it's important to built it in your relationship and  to intertwine some understanding with that too.

The Twelve Dancing Princesses / The Worn-Out Dancing Shoes - Do you like parties?

I do, although I do get little bouts of anxiety before I go, but it's all gone by the time I get there. There good, but too much of a good thing . . . .

The Emperor's New Clothes - Do you care a lot about your clothing?

Yes, I do. I find that clothing is just one of the best methods of self expression. There's so many ways to mix and match and it's a great feeling to put a look together and be like "Yep, I did that".

The Brave Little Tailor - Do you consider yourself brave? 

I'm a fake brave person. When I'm in a situation where I have to be, I put on a brave face while I'm secretly screaming on the inside. But you know, 'gotta go whatcha gotta do'.

And there you have it, my answers to 'The Fairy Tale Tag', I hope that you've enjoyed it, I know that I definitely had fun writing this! I tag everyone to do this.

Bye everyone and I'll talk to you in the next post!


  1. Yaaaaay you did the tag <3

    Loved reading your answers sweet. Also a massiveeee thank you for nominating my blog. I appreciate it SO much.

    Have a great weekend sweet :)

    Sammeh x

  2. Some great answers here, I also found this tag from Sammeh and was inspired. You can check it out here if you want:

  3. Thank you so much, I really hope that the nominations go well for you. Thank you so much for checking out my post!

  4. Thanks, I will definitely check out your post as well


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